Support Senator Mendoza’s SB-648 Referral Agency Bill

Dear Respected Colleague,

6Beds supports Senator Tony Mendoza’s SB-648 Referral Agency bill and seeks your help in getting it through the legislature and signed into law.  There are valuable elements in the bill that are supportive to RCFE owners, reputable local Referral Agents and particularly the vulnerable elderly we serve.

We have worked in cooperation with a large group of Referral Agencies throughout this legislative process.  The result is a bill that not only requires Referral Agencies to be licensed by DSS, but is improved by Amendments that add:

  1. Referral Agency Licensee Training requirements,
  2. Anti-Kickback legislation,
  3. Mandated Reporter requirements,
  4. Facility Suitability Determination requirements,
  5. License Number Posting requirements on all advertisement,
  6. Improved Transparency disclosure requirements.

This is a significant achievement strengthened by months of negotiations by 6Beds highly respected, professional lobbyists and testimony by 6Beds leadership at senate and assembly committee hearings.  It is also a valuable foundation for further improvements next year.

Consequently we request you download the letter provided by Senator Mendoza (click link below):

and send them to Governor Jerry Brown and the Department of Social Services immediately.  Timing is critical; the legislative decisions are imminent.

To learn more, please visit Senator Mendoza’s website:

Thank you for your assistance.

Most sincerely,

Ron Simpson
Director and SoCal President,
6Beds, Inc.


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