The 6Beds Team
Board of Directors
Gina Wasdyke, MBA – Founder (Sacramento)
Joy De La Torre, RN – Co-Founder (SF Bay Area)
Ron Simpson, MBA, PhD – President of Southern California Region
Janet Valencia, RN – President of Northern California Region
6Beds Lead Legislative Members
George Kutnerian, MBA (Central Valley)
Atty. Bruce Winstead (Southern California)
Atty. Maria Garfinkle (East Bay)
These 6Beds leaders represent a truly interdisciplinary group. Our group is comprised of attorneys, Ph.Ds, MBAs, nurses, and holders of other advanced degrees. While we are an interdisciplinary group from an educational standpoint, the common denominator is that we’re all top flight operators of RCFEs and ARFs who have a passion for taking care of the frail elderly and developmentally disabled.
We’re excited about what 6Beds and Littler can accomplish together!