6Beds, Inc. is dedicated to provide a safe, affordable and comfortable environment for California seniors and adults with disabilities. We work to educate legislators, local elected officials, key opinion leaders and the public about the critical role six-bed facilities play our state’s healthcare structure. We also work to advocate for commonsense legislation that protects seniors and adults with disabilities so our facilities can continue providing the level of safe and affordable care our customers expect. Be sure to attend Advocacy Day on April 10 and have your voices heard on these issues.

6 Beds 2019 Legislative Priorities
AB 447 (Patterson & Wiener)–Criminal Record Clearances
Allows all employees of commonly owned facilities to have their criminal record clearances assigned to one location (known as a central administrative facility), so long as one person is responsible for knowing each employee’s location. Allows flexible movement of workers among facilities and protects residents while saving both the owner and the state the administrative hassle of transferring the clearance. Avoids unfair fines if the state fails to register a transfer immediately.
AB 50 (Kalra)–Phased expansion of the Assisted Living Waiver program to 18,500 slots and more counties. This Medi-Cal program is an alternative to skilled nursing care for many current and prospective nursing home residents–saving the state money and offering frail seniors a home-like setting.
SB 512 (Pan)–Would establish the California Long-Term Services and Supports Benefits Board (LTSS Board) to finance LTSS for eligible individuals, the first step in possible public funding of assisted living services.
AB 1766 (Bloom)–potential use of funds for mentally ill for ARF and RCFE support.
Budget items for Community Care Licensing and the Long Term Care Ombudsman program
AB 1796 (Levine)–Concerned that requirement to wait for FBI as well as state DOJ clearance will unduly delay the ability to fill staffing vacancies.
AB 367 (Flora)–Adds willful and unlawful use of personal identifying information to list of crimes for which persons could be barred from working at RCFEs.
AB 737 (Eggman)–Clarifies that applications for licensure of RCFEs can be made by individuals or by entities and agents signing on behalf of entities.
SB 172 (Portantino)–relates to storage of firearms in RCFEs but will not apply to RCFEs declaring a no-weapon policy.
SB 314 (Dodd)–Adds abandonment to the definition of elder abuse for which attorney’s fees may be awarded in an action for damages.