How would you like to have your monthly expenses increase by thousands of dollars per month by being required to have an Administrator on-site 24 hours per day as originally proposed by the 2014 RCFE Reform Act?6Beds was able to defeat this.
If you are an ARF or RCFE serving individuals with developmental disability, How would you like to have your rates continue to remain stagnant? This was the case prior to 6Beds. With 6Beds’ fierce lobbying for increased rates, we have seen significant increases in ARF and RCFE DD also collectively known as Community Care Facilities (CCF) serving Californians with developmental disabilities:
- A historical increase of 6% in 2015 and 6% in 2016
- The Governor included $64 million in the state budget for the 4-bed facilities with ARM rates (levels 2, 3 and 4) – being the first and only increase for the 4-bed model – which took effect on July 1, 2016
How would you like it if you received an “Unfounded” or “Inconclusive” finding after a complaint, but the complainant subsequently was able to appeal that finding with a two-level, 120 business day appeal process that could overturn the “Unfounded” or “Inconclusive” finding and replace it with a “Substantiated” finding?This complainant appeal process was originally in AB 1387 and 6Beds testified against it and had it removed from the final version of the bill
Have you ever been frustrated with the licensee appeal process because CCL has no required timeline in responding to you?While 6Beds fought to remove the complainant appeal process in AB 1387, 6Beds fought for the new licensee appeal process in AB 1387, which cuts the licensee appeal process down to two levels, allows licensees 15 business days to submit an appeal, allows licensees to submit supporting documentation after submitting the appeal, and imposes a 60-day deadline for CCL to respond at each level.