6Beds promotes affordable, quality care for frail California seniors and adults with disabilities in a safe home environment.
Our members operate residential communities licensed by the Department of Social Services in a smaller setting of six residents or less. Operators exceeding six beds require special use permits; however those that serve six or fewer residents are protected by the Fair Housing Act of 1988 allowing people with disabilities to live in residential neighborhoods and in family-type settings – which led to the origin of our organization’s name, 6Beds.
Our members are comprised of operators of residential care facilities for the elderly (RCFE) and adult residential care facilities (ARF) serving individuals with developmental disabilities and/or mental illness.
6Beds Vendors
Become a 6Beds Member
By joining with us to help those in need, you are helping us protect the residential care industry in our state, and supporting our lobbying efforts. We are on your side, and very much value your presence in our collective journey.
Member Benefits:
- A Forum to Voice your Business Challenges
- Representation in California Legislature
- Business Skills Training and Development
- Discounts on Industry-related Professional Services, Tools and Events
About 6Beds
Our members are licensed by the Department of Social services and have to abide by The Health and Safety Code and Title 22 just like corporate operators like Sunrise and Brookdale. The biggest difference is that larger operators are located in commercial areas and our members are located in residential communities. Our members strive to provide care which is affordable.